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Farce football in Lega Pro. Juve incinerate Napoli. Roma slow down again

One of the worst Sundays in Italian football history. A farce match took place in Salernitana-Nocerina (Lega Pro). In Serie A, Juve are again the undisputed Old Lady. Pirlo, Conti and Rossi: made in Italy is timeless.

Arechi Stadium of Salerno. The local derby Salernitana-Nocerina (11th match-day of  Lega Pro, Group B, Italian Third Division), is one of the most burning rivalry in Italian football and a high-tension match. 'No entry' for Nocerina supporters for reasons related to public order. The same fans -  irritated by the disposition of the local Prefecture - threatened to death their own footballers that didn't want to take the pitch. At the end, after the reassurances of a Police commissioner, the match started with a 40 minutes delay and lasted only 20.

A game fraction in which the away team made three substitutions and 'suffered five injuries', making the referee suspend the game. We are talking about a farce, one of worst Sundays in Italian football history. A postcard in which security forces were unable to guarantee a regular football match, football players and related club were taken hostages by 'supporters'. Mario Macalli, President of Lega Pro, said this match "caused great damage to football and the Lega Pro", added that charges would be brought against "the criminials who were responsible for the threats and those who played out a film on the pitch". "We want to go back to normal football", he declared.

Let's now talk about the 12th match-day of Serie A.

Roma got the second consecutive draw (1-1, first goal conceded at Olimpico Stadium), this time against the newly promoted Sassuolo, a team that yesterday drew up 11 Italians. Without Totti and Gervinho, Roma had difficulty to score in spite of the copious opportunities to close the match. Pegolo, Sassuolo goalkeeper, was the hero of the day along with Berardi who scored his sixth goal. Rudi Garcia's team keeps on leading the table (32 points) but the white-black Zebras are going to snap the yellow-red Wolves. In one of the two Sunday night-matches, Juventus demolished Napoli 3-0 (HIGHLIGHTS). Conte's team - hesitant and timid in the Champions League - is reconquering match by match the granitic power of previous Serie A seasons.

They won deservedly the big match against the Azzurri. Napoli lost the third match at Juventus Stadium, where they never scored a goal. Llorente opened the match after 2 minutes. In the second half, in the best moment of Napoli, Pirlo (man of the match) with a beautiful free kick and Pogba with a spectacular shot gave to Juve the victory. Benitez's team played a good second half. Hamšík, Higuaín and Callejón didn't shine. The best for the Azzurri was Lorenzo Insigne who played a personal match against a great Buffon. Napoli lost an important battle, but the war for the Scudetto is not over.

From behind Napoli, Inter and Fiorentina champ at the bit, dreaming of a great season. Mazzarri's team won against Livorno on Saturday night match and they have the best attack in Serie A (29 goals in 12  matches). Fiorentina can rely on the current top-scorer of this season. Pepito Rossi leads this specific table with 11 goals  and yesterday - in the second Saturday night-match - scored a double against Sampdoria. Fiorentina won 2-1, reinforcing their position among the top of the table. For the Blucerchiati, the hard part is still to come. The other Rossi - Delio, Samp coach - could leave Genova in the next hours.

The other side of Genova smile for the third consecutive match. Genoa beat the surprising H. Verona 2-0 (Portanova, Kucka). Gasperini looks wonderful on the Rossoblu bench. He got 13 points in 6 matches.

Milan keep on acting a melancholy season (0-0 at Verona against Chievo).

We cannot close our Anygivenmonday, without celebrating Daniele Conti, midfielder of Cagliari. Son of Bruno Conti - winger of Roma in 80s and world champion in 1982 with Italy - yesterday Daniele played his match n. 300 in Serie A with Cagliari and gave the victory to his team (2-1 to Torino) scoring a double. Daniele Conti, one of the last flag bearers of Italian football.



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